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Strategic Challenges

May 2020
5 minutes

The CFO as Crisis Manager

One of the central tasks of the CFO during a crisis is to ensure financial liquidity. A liquidity squeeze can quickly threaten the existence of the company. Especially in times of crisis, a lot of extra measures are required in addition to operational cost and liquidity management.

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May 2020
4 minutes

5 Perspectives on Preventing Strategic Faults in Unstable Times

In economically difficult phases, companies run the risk of focusing exclusively on key operating figures and losing sight of important strategic issues. With these 5 evaluation perspectives you avoid strategic mistakes and ensure a balanced initiative portfolio management.

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September 2019
5 minutes

Self-motivation: becoming independent from motivation through others

What gives us meaning? Where does performance come from? What drives people? You can find out what is important in our guest article.

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July 2019
4 minutes

Promoting and developing the personality of people

Developing and promoting people is a plea against changing the personality of people. It is therefore one of the most important tasks of managers to take people as they are.

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November 2018
5 minutes

"To ashes, to dust ...": The old strategy approach gives way to a new understanding

Market volatility, growth, disruption, digitization, shareholder value... our current environment is characterized by constant change and ever higher speed. It has never been easy to develop working strategies and implement them with the desired results.

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November 2018
3 minutes

“Everything is possible, nothing will remain the same”

Today’s complex world cannot be mastered with the help of the “old” logic. In the media and during events, we more and more frequently meet the term “agility”. But beyond half knowledge, what’s behind this buzzword, and why shouldn’t we underestimate this topic?

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October 2018
4 minutes

Strategic planning: balancing data and debate

In many companies, strategic planning remains ineffective. A key ingredient of an impactful processes is a careful balance between data and debate. Four practical approaches from our experience on BCG client projects can help.

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October 2016
6 minutes

John Kotter’s 8-step model in the digital age

What is the reason for Kotter’s continued topicality? Because when all’s said and done, his book ‘Leading Change’ appeared more than 20 years ago.  What is it that’s motivating the strategy community to engage with Kotter today?

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September 2012
5 minutes

How to achieve strategic alignment?

Bridging the gap between strategy development and execution is one of the biggest challenges many organizations face. Probably the most important driver for a successful strategy implementation is the so-called strategic alignment.

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