About Evolutionizer

Client Statements & Case Studies

We are simplifying corporate work with our digital Enterprise Value Optimization Cloud. Browse our success stories and learn more about the benefits of working with the EVO-Cloud.

Case Studies

Case study Altana

Entire strategy process at the division and group level can be mapped with the suite

ALTANA develops and produces high-quality specialty chemical products. The company provides innovative, environmentally sound solutions for paint manufacturers, paint and plastics processors, and the printing, cosmetics, and electrical industries. The international group’s product range includes additives, special paints and adhesives, pigments, sealants, potting compounds, and impregnating agents, as well as testing and measuring instruments. ALTANA products are distributed in more than 100 countries around the world.
Case study Osram

Strategic planning with the Enterprise Strategy Suite/ EVO-Cloud: clear and up-to-date

With approximately 21.400 employees and a turnover of € 3.04 billion in 2020, OSRAM is one of the world's leading lighting manufacturers. The product portfolio includes applications – such as infrared or laser – based on semiconductor technology. OSRAM products are used in a wide range of applications ranging from virtual reality to autonomous driving to mobile phones to integrated intelligent lighting solutions in buildings or for growing plants indoors. In the automotive lighting sector, the company is a global technology and market leader. Its business operations are carried out by three business units: Automotive, OptoSemiconductors and Digital.
Case study ROhde & Schwarz

Customized strategy process and insights from text clustering

Rohde & Schwarz develops, manufactures, and sells a diversified range of electronic capital equipment for industry, infrastructure operators and government customers. The focus is on solutions that contribute to a secure and networked world. The independent group is a technology or market leader in all its fields of activity, including mobile radio and RF test and measurement, broadcast and media technology, air traffic control and military radiocommunications as well as cyber security and network technology. In fiscal 2020/2021, Rohde & Schwarz generated sales revenues of €2.28 billion. The company, headquartered in Munich, Germany, owes this success to its 13,000 highly qualified employees in more than 70 countries.

Used by leading companies in numerous sectors

Premium brand manufacturer of electrical appliances

The traditional manufacturer of electrical appliances decided to use the EVO Cloud for the conception, modeling, and conversion of the strategic financial planning at the business unit and group level. In addition, modeling was used to introduce a CO2 footprint for the company.

The EVO-Cloud allows the integration of different planning methods in one tool. A single point of truth is created, with which it is possible to dynamically simulate different future scenarios and their effects on planning. Financial and non-financial drivers are also integrated into the overall model. This makes the interdependencies transparent for everyone.

Through parallel coordination and planning processes, as well as the application of the integrated best-practice methods, the customer ensures significant time savings.

Globally active German high-tech photonics company

This globally active German company previously managed its worldwide strategy development process in a very laborious manual process - which was highly error-prone, inconsistent, and lacked a data strategy.

With the introduction of Evolutionizer's Strategy Development solution, the global planning process has now been standardized. Qualitative as well as quantitative information from the entire organization is intelligently merged into a single point of truth, automatically using previous learnings. This creates decision-making security through the topicality and correctness of all strategically relevant information.

Global agricultural equipment manufacturer

Prompt reaction to difficulties in program execution and faster adaptation to new changes in the business environment - these are the goals of a leading global manufacturer of commercial vehicles using the EVO-Cloud. With great success: After the implementation of the suite, response and adaptation times have improved significantly. The company also benefits from driver-based planning and continuous feedback from operational businesses. Using scenarios and simulations, interdependencies and action options always become visible.

The long-established global player with its European headquarters has around 100,000 employees and generates sales of 35 - 40 billion euros.

Leading healthcare provider in Europe

To help meet the challenges of a demanding, transformative PMI project, the Strategic Program Management Solution is deployed at one of Europe's leading healthcare companies. This pilot project will also provide valuable experience for the company-wide use of the EVO-Cloud in Enterprise Program Management.

The approximately 40,000 employees of this innovative company achieve a revenue of around 30 billion euros.

Global Player chemical industry

A global player in the chemical industry with sales of 2 – 5 billion EUR and 5,000 – 10,000 employees maps its complete strategy process at the division and group level with Evolutionizer's Strategy Development solution. Best practice methodologies integrated into the suite leverage the crowd intelligence of the entire organization for the strategy development process. In addition, the EVO-Cloud supports dynamic strategy adjustment in response to change and helps reduce the strategy execution gap.

Using the EVO-Cloud, the customer is now systematically creating structured strategic databases and, for the first time, gains automatic comparability between its divisions or units of the same division.

Leading healthcare provider in Europe

To help meet the challenges of a demanding, transformative PMI project, the Strategic Program Management Solution is deployed at one of Europe's leading healthcare companies. This pilot project will also provide valuable experience for the company-wide use of the EVO-Cloud in Enterprise Program Management.

The approximately 40,000 employees of this innovative company achieve a revenue of around 30 billion euros.

Global active German SME for complex logistics systems

A globally acting medium-sized German company with 10,000 - 15,000 employees and a turnover of 2 - 5 billion Euros successfully relies on cooperation with Evolutionizer and the benefits of the EVO-Cloud. The key factor for the deployment of the Strategic Program Management solution was the consolidated view of all relevant information of the entire company.

Using the SaaS platform, the CEO and Head of Strategy & Transformation Office gain complete transparency over the strategy process: "We now have a holistic digital platform for managing the rapid growth of the entire company."

Leading Asian semiconductor manufacturer

One of the leading global semiconductor manufacturers has been relying on the EVO-Cloud for years - with success.: The manual control of the complex annual strategy process has been replaced by globally networked information management. All relevant qualitative and quantitative data from more than 50 departments are now linked in a database and are available for analysis and evaluation. In addition to key business figures, this also includes competitive scenarios, market analyses, and trends, which are thus considered at an early stage in the planning process.

The entire planning process has been optimized, global communication between employees has been simplified, and the organization’s strategic alignment has been improved.