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Change management

March 2021
2 minutes

Register now for the Strategy Execution Forum

Get your free ticket for the 1st event day of the digital international conference.

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July 2020
3 minutes

Why Transformations Fail

Many transformation efforts remain ineffective. And often not because of a flawed strategy, but because the change does not reach the organization sustainably. Taking the organization through a phase of change is one of the key tasks of leadership – and managers should know these 6 risks.

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July 2020
4 minutes

How to make Transformation successful

In the last part of our series on the topic of transformation, we described the prerequisites for successful transformation and how to use opportunities in one's own situation. Read now in part 2 how transformation can succeed.

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June 2020
4 Minutes

Leverage the Opportunities of the Own Situation for Transformation

As a result of the crisis management, many companies have already successfully implemented initial changes and are initiating new topics for implementation. We are experiencing a seamless transition to a phase of transformation that not only involves risks, but also opportunities. We have summarized a few of the success factors for sustainable transformation.

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April 2020
5 minutes

5 Sources to Activate the Collective Intelligence of the Company

The initial shock of the corona crisis has been overcome, and the economic effects will continue to accompany us for a very long time. We must assume that volatility and uncertainty in our markets will continue to increase and become the new normality in the business world. The unknown will become permanently greater, we are forced to become even more agile as a company.

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March 2020
4 minutes

5 Instant Measures to Stay on Track During the Crisis

We are experiencing one of the biggest shutdowns in recent history. Nearly all companies are currently asking themselves how they can avert greater losses from their business from the effects of the crisis on their business, how they can continue to act and how they can prepare for the "ramp-up" after the crisis.

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February 2020
9 minutes

10 Levers for More Agility in Your Organization

If personnel expenses increase more or less in proportion to sales over a longer period of time, this is a sign of potential for productivity and efficiency increases. But what are the levers for increasing agility in our organizations?

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February 2014
6 minutes

Successful organizational transformation – Kotter’s 8-steps change model

Change management is focused on the people. It aims to implement change in a comprehensive, smooth, and lasting way. But how can it be achieved in practice?

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